Make a DIGITAL IMPACT! Your business needs it.

Do businesses need an online presence in 2019?


Just as life adapts to suit its environment, so does consumer behavior. Shifting to newer generations means that technology shifts to the forefront. Most younger consumers don’t do anything without jumping onto google first.. checking reviews, looking up directions, glancing at photos, menus, videos, etc.


So what happens when you don’t have an online presence? You get overlooked. Maybe not even looked upon at all. There are so many small businesses don’t make it because they don’t adapt to the times. You have to be able to evolve, to look at where the market is and make an effort to acclimate to what is happening. Do you have a new business? You need one, too. Start your endeavor with a digital footprint! You’re already ahead!


Have a website. Does it have to be extravagant with 20 pages of information. Absolutely not. In my opinion it should be minimal. Let your consumer get a feel for your business. Have an easy to navigate yet beautiful website.


Let them see your best photos of your business. Don’t take pictures with your phone and upload them. This is the time to invest in high quality images. This is their first impression of you. I guarantee they will look at your competition and what will make them choose you over them? What they see on your website makes a huge difference when customers are deciding where to spend their money.

Are you still hesitant? Don’t know where to start? I can help you.


I’ve created websites for businesses that give me a rough idea of what they are thinking, and they let me run with it. I’ve created websites for businesses that know exactly what they want, they just don’t have the time to execute it. Either way, I love it. And they love their finished product.


Let me worry about the design, the analytics, the SEO, the marketing. Building a website is one thing, but all these other aspects go with it. I have experience. I can and will help you! Let’s get this ball rolling!