Equine Eyes

I remember when I was younger, I used to love gazing into horse’s eyes. I still do. They are all so unique, carrying distinct patterns that are so different than the human eye. 

So what’s so special about horse eyes?

horse eyeball

Eye placement and low light sensitivity allows horses to spot predators easier. Colorblindness has been highly debated, but presence of rods and cones within the eyeball shows that they do in fact detect colors, just probably not on the spectrum the human eye can. 

But aside from the anatomy and science of it all, what makes the horse eye so special? To me, it’s the way those big beautiful eyes look at their riders, at their owners, at each other. So expressive, so gentle. Or maybe it’s just the universal “do you have food for me?” look. Either way, I’ll gaze into them happily the rest of my life.